Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Lemonade is Gone!!

Do you see that? That newly open space in our refrigerator!?! Yeah, the last of the overbought lemonade is finally gone!! You see, last month Erin decided she wanted to participate in national Lemonade Day. We got all set up and had the perfect spot at a busy local business. We bought a TON of lemonade. How many did we sell? About 20 cups. We must have had 20 GALLONS of lemonade left over. Not any more!! After every family member was drinking raspberry lemonade practically every meal for a month - this is the last empty bottle. Hooray!

Now lets hurry up and put this in the recycling bin - I don't want to see any more lemonade for a while!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wanna know a secret??

I am SOOOO bad with keeping up with this blog!!! Why?? Well maybe it is because I know no one read it so I feel like I can slack off. But seeing as it was my original idea to use this blog as a substitute journal/scrapbook/family updates I figure I should really get on the ball!! I have been constantly updating the Our Way to Learn blog and the Fullers Country Store website, so why is it that I neglect this one? Who knows, who can say, but it is now my mid-year resolution to keep this baby active!!

So what's been going on with us since Christmas?? Well, a lot I guess!! We have taken the kids out of daycare and I have been homeschooling Erin. (Hence the Our Way to Learn blog!) Amazingly she loves it and it is one of the few times of the day I can actually get her to sit down and focus. On me. No other distractions. I guess she likes to learn!! Elleri is now 11 months old and running around like a little crazy person. No, I mean it. She can scale furniture and walls. Makes me wonder why I was so stressed out when Erin was a baby when all she really ever wanted (and still wants) is to be cuddled by Mommy. Elleri will eat anything she comes in contact with. Her favorite recently seems to be electrical cords and the metal part of the reins on Erin's rocking horse. I was washing the dishes the other day and heard Elleri fussing in the living room. I went in to find her mouth full of blood! She is teething and had relentlessly been chewing on the metal reins. I had to remove it from her play area which subsequently made Erin very sad. You can never win as a Mom.  The candle business has been booming. Yay! Finally! I just signed up for a great marketing program called Out of the Box Sampler. it is such a neat idea! I wish I had thought of it!! Companies send in samples of their handmade products and then they divvy them up into sample boxes that people try out and then (fingers crossed) go to your site to buy more cause they just LUUUUVV it so much! Our first month in the box will be July so we will see how it goes. Here's some photos from what has been happening as of late!!

My Better Homes and Garden model

Having some girly shopping time at Target 

Pool day!! Have I mentioned that it's hot in Texas??

Dang my kids are cute!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Holidays

The holidays are always bittersweet for me. I have come to realize how much my Grandmother made Christmas special for me. I miss her presence the most this time of year as it was always her favorite holiday and she really went all out to make it the best holiday of the year. It is a joy now however to get to share her holiday traditions with my family and start some of our own. My oldest daughter Erin who is now 3 is just starting to understand what Christmas time is all about. We drive around and look at lights and her eyes light up and she shouts' "It's Christmas Time!" Some things I have carried on to my family are baking cookies and other treats the week of Christmas. By Christmas Eve we have so many cookies we don't now what to do with them so we like to make baskets and and deliver them to neighbors and friends. And new tradition we have started for the girls is Santa Bags. A couple Christmases ago, my mother-in-law gave us some gifts in these neat giant felt bags. So we decided that we would assign a bag to each kid and on Christmas Eve they would place the empty bag under the tree and Santa will fill the bag! Erin thought that was pretty fun this year. Although she still doesn't quite understand the concept of Santa. She knows who he is when she sees him, knows he lives at the North Pole with the elves, and knows he will bring her presents if she's good, but she woke up Christmas morning and just said she wanted to watch TV. She didn't even notice her stockings and Christmas bag were full! Maybe next year! I would love to hear some of your family traditions, every family and ethnicity has some really great things they cherish during the holidays and I challenge you all to honor your loved ones and pass them down. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I know we were very blessed at the Fuller home!